How to combine 1/1s with PFPs? The concept we’re aspiring for in NFWorks.

The Invisiverse
2 min readMar 1, 2022


It’s simple and we have talked about it before: In order to move the NFT space and value, one needs to innovate and integrate various aspects proper to blockchain technology.

With ‘Tim, The Colorless Life of The Invisible Man’, we are trying to achieve this by combining top-quality, CGI-created scenes (using 3D art tools and renders), with more utility than just art.

We define ourselves mostly like artists, and we truly believe in the philosophical approach that ‘art should suffice itself’, but recent discoveries bring our attention to the fact -especially with NFTs- Art can have more utility than it had traditionally, or at least more, in terms of democratic participation.

Tim’s Story includes 1/1s, joined by DAO decisions, met with PFPs that produce an appear-to-earn aspect for investors, and ownership rights of the story that have never been explored in these terms.

Example of our PFP collection.

Our mission is not to sacrifice quality to reach utility, but to find a mid-ground where our works are seen for what they are, yet providing investors their needed profitability.

Our first collection is an example of this effort. We wanted to mint 555 pieces that would give the larger possible community access to deciding aspects of Tim’s story, but also limit the approach of just producing rarity by changing little details of a single NFT. Our 5-scenes constitute the introduction to our project, but also exemplify how a set will be looking aesthetically, where your PFPs could interact too.

Example of a scene where quality meets rarity. The actual video is one in a hundredth.

The fact is we’ll have elements where repetition and rarity plays-out to appeal to typical NFT investors, but also bring art collectors to experience something in-between.

Now the following step is to get ourselves in a world where tradition normally restricts innovative projects. But the challenge is worth it, and we’re here for the long term. Our first mint ends soon, so if you’d like to support us, go to:

1 scene gives you access to a WL spot for minting a PFP,

3 scenes will give you a free mint.

Just this episode we’ll have so many privileged accesses, and we want you to be part of NFWorks, and co-create a story together.



The Invisiverse

Creators of Tim: The Colorless Life of The Invisible Man.